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Vocabulary List

Vocabulary List

  • Advent
    English: The arrival or coming of something. Hindi: आगमन
  • Affinity
    English: A natural liking or connection. Hindi: व्यगाव
  • Affable
    English: Friendly and easy to talk to. Hindi: मिलनसार
  • Affliction / Afflict
    English: Suffering or pain. Hindi: यातना, सताना
  • Affluent
    English: Wealthy or rich. Hindi: धनी, समृद्ध
  • Aggrandize
    English: To increase power or wealth. Hindi: शक्ति बढ़ाना, बढ़ाना
  • Agile
    English: Quick and nimble. Hindi: फुर्तीला
  • Alleviate
    English: To reduce pain or suffering. Hindi: शांत करना, कम करना
  • Augment
    English: To increase or enhance. Hindi: वृद्धि करना
  • Adore
    English: To love deeply. Hindi: पूजना, प्रेम करना
  • Advocacy
    English: Active support for a cause. Hindi: समर्थन, वकालत
  • Bane
    English: A cause of great distress. Hindi: अभिशाप, विपत्ति
  • Belittle
    English: To make someone seem less important. Hindi: कमतर दिखाना, घटाना
  • Comradely
    English: Friendly and supportive. Hindi: साथीभाव, सौहार्दपूर्ण
  • Conciliate
    English: To make peace or reconcile. Hindi: मेलमिलाप करना, शांत करना
  • Consolation
    English: Comfort in a time of sadness. Hindi: सांत्वना, दिलासा
  • Destitution
    English: Extreme poverty. Hindi: निर्धनता, गरीबी
  • Distress
    English: Extreme anxiety or suffering. Hindi: परेशानी, संकट
  • Empathy
    English: The ability to understand others' feelings. Hindi: सहानुभूति, संवेदना
  • Failing
    English: A weakness or fault. Hindi: विफलता, कमजोरी
  • Indigence
    English: Extreme poverty. Hindi: गरीबी, दरिद्रता
  • Intimacy
    English: Close familiarity or friendship. Hindi: अंतरंगता, गहरा संबंध
  • Misery
    English: Great suffering or unhappiness. Hindi: दुख, पीड़ा
  • Prosperous
    English: Successful and wealthy. Hindi: समृद्ध, धनवान
  • Rapport
    English: A close and harmonious relationship. Hindi: संबंध, मेल-जोल
  • Surly
    English: Bad-tempered or unfriendly. Hindi: असभ्य, रूखा


Responsive MCQ Quiz

Q1. What is the synonym of "Advent"?

Q2. What is the antonym of "Affinity"?

Q3. What is the synonym of "Affable"?

Q4. What is the antonym of "Affliction"?

Q5. What is the synonym of "Affluent"?

Q6. What is the antonym of "Aggrandize"?

Q7. What is the synonym of "Agile"?

Q8. What is the antonym of "Alleviate"?

Q9. What is the synonym of "Augment"?

Q10. What is the antonym of "Adore"?

Q11. What is the synonym of "Advocacy"?

Q12. What is the antonym of "Bane"?

Q13. What is the synonym of "Belittle"?

Q14. What is the antonym of "Comradely"?

Q15. What is the synonym of "Conciliate"?

Q16. What is the antonym of "Consolation"?

Q17. What is the synonym of "Destitution"?

Q18. What is the antonym of "Distress"?

Q19. What is the synonym of "Empathy"?

Q20. What is the antonym of "Failing"?

Q21. What is the synonym of "Indigence"?

Q22. What is the antonym of "Intimacy"?

Q23. What is the synonym of "Misery"?

Q24. What is the antonym of "Prosperous"?

Q25. What is the synonym of "Rapport"?

Q26. What is the antonym of "Surly"?