Pro Sarkari Result



Study Section

  1. Accolade (सम्मान) – Laurels

  2. Accord (समझौता) – Agreement

  3. Confer (प्रदान करना) – Bestow, Grant

  4. Inexact (अनिश्चित) – Uncertain, Imprecise

  5. Accomplish (सफल होना) – Achieve, Succeed

  6. Fiasco (असफलता) – Failure, Debacle

  7. Squandered (बर्बाद किया हुआ) – Wasted, Misused

  8. Ingenuity (चतुराई) – Cleverness, Creativity

  9. Convict (दोषी ठहराना) – Declare Guilty

  10. Abeyant (निष्क्रिय) – Inactive, Dormant

  11. Dormant (निष्क्रिय) – Inactive, Latent

  12. Acuity (तीव्रता) – Sharpness, Keenness

  13. Accuse (आरोप लगाना) – Charge, Blame

  14. Acquit (दोषमुक्त करना) – Exonerate, Clear

  15. Indict (आरोपित करना) – Charge, Accuse

  16. Acute (तीव्र) – Sharp, Intense

  17. Exculpation (दोषमुक्ति) – Acquittal, Vindication

  18. Accustomed (आदी) – Habituated, Familiar

  19. Severe (गंभीर) – Harsh, Strict

  20. Blunt (तेज़ न होना) – Dull, Unsharp

  21. Procure (प्राप्त करना) – Obtain, Acquire

  22. Adamant (अटल) – Unyielding, Stubborn

  23. Acquisitive (लाभ का इच्छुक) – Greedy, Covetous

  24. Yielding (मनाने वाला) – Submissive, Flexible

  25. Lenient (नरम) – Merciful, Tolerant

  26. Adept (कुशल) – Skilled, Proficient

  27. Inept (अकुशल) – Incompetent, Unskilled

  28. Adequate (पर्याप्त) – Sufficient, Enough

  29. Adhere (पालन करना) – Follow, Stick

  30. Adorn (सजाना) – Decorate, Embellish

  31. Adroit (कुशल) – Skillful, Dexterous

  32. Allegiance (आज्ञापालन) – Loyalty, Fidelity

  33. Adulation (चापलूसी) – Flattery, Praise

  34. Flout (अवहेलना करना) – Disregard, Mock

  35. Flattery (चापलूसी) – Adulation, Praise

  36. Contempt (अपमान) – Disdain, Scorn

  37. Adoration (पूजा) – Worship, Reverence

  38. Ridicule (उपहास करना) – Mockery, Derision

  39. Despise (घृणा करना) – Hate, Loathe

  40. Admonish (डांटना) – Reprimand, Scold

  41. Chide (डांटना) – Scold, Rebuke

  42. Firmly (दृढ़ता) – Steadfastly, Resolutely

  43. Counsel (सलाह देना) – Advise, Recommend

  44. Backbiting (चुगली करना) – Gossip, Slander

  45. Retreat (वापसी) – Withdrawal, Recede

  46. Retarded (धीमा करना) – Delayed, Hindered

  47. Rudimentary (अल्पविकसित) – Basic, Elementary

  48. Linger (ठहरना) – Loiter, Remain

  49. Boon (वरदान) – Blessing, Gift

  50. Minus (नुकसान) – Loss, Disadvantage


50 Antonyms and Synonyms MCQs

Q1. What is the antonym of "Accolade"?

Q2. What is the antonym of "Accord"?

Q3. What is the synonym of "Confer"?

Q4. What is the antonym of "Inexact"?

Q5. What is the synonym of "Accomplish"?

Q6. What is the antonym of "Fiasco"?

Q7. What is the synonym of "Squandered"?

Q8. What is the synonym of "Ingenuity"?

Q9. What is the antonym of "Convict"?

Q10. What is the synonym of "Abeyant"?

Q11. What is the synonym of "Dormant"?

Q12. What is the synonym of "Acuity"?

Q13. What is the antonym of "Accuse"?

Q14. What is the synonym of "Acquit"?

Q15. What is the antonym of "Indict"?

Q16. What is the synonym of "Benevolent"?

Q13. What is the antonym of "Accuse"?

Q14. What is the synonym of "Acquit"?

Q15. What is the antonym of "Indict"?

Q16. What is the synonym of "Acute"?

Q17. What is the synonym of "Exculpation"?

Q18. What is the synonym of "Accustomed"?

Q19. What is the synonym of "Severe"?

Q20. What is the synonym of "Blunt"?

Q21. What is the synonym of "Procure"?

Q22. What is the synonym of "Adamant"?

Q23. What is the synonym of "Acquisitive"?

Q24. What is the synonym of "Yielding"?

Q25. What is the synonym of "Lenient"?

Q26. What is the synonym of "Adept"?

Q27. What is the synonym of "Inept"?

Q28. What is the synonym of "Adequate"?

Q29. What is the synonym of "Adhere"?

Q30. What is the synonym of "Adorn"?

Q31. What is the synonym of "Adroit"?

Q32. What is the synonym of "Allegiance"?

Q33. What is the synonym of "Adulation"?

Q34. What is the synonym of "Flout"?

Q35. What is the synonym of "Flattery"?

Q36. What is the synonym of "Contempt"?

Q37. What is the synonym of "Adoration"?

Q38. What is the synonym of "Ridicule"?

Q39. What is the synonym of "Despise"?

Q40. What is the synonym of "Admonish"?

Q41. What is the synonym of "Chide"?

Q42. What is the synonym of "Firmly"?

Q43. What is the synonym of "Counsel"?

Q44. What is the synonym of "Backbiting"?

Q45. What is the synonym of "Retreat"?

Q46. What is the synonym of "Retarded"?

Q47. What is the synonym of "Rudimentary"?

Q48. What is the synonym of "Linger"?

Q49. What is the synonym of "Boon"?

Q50. What is the synonym of "Minus"?