Accolade (सम्मान) – Laurels
Accord (समझौता) – Agreement
Confer (प्रदान करना) – Bestow, Grant
Inexact (अनिश्चित) – Uncertain, Imprecise
Accomplish (सफल होना) – Achieve, Succeed
Fiasco (असफलता) – Failure, Debacle
Squandered (बर्बाद किया हुआ) – Wasted, Misused
Ingenuity (चतुराई) – Cleverness, Creativity
Convict (दोषी ठहराना) – Declare Guilty
Abeyant (निष्क्रिय) – Inactive, Dormant
Dormant (निष्क्रिय) – Inactive, Latent
Acuity (तीव्रता) – Sharpness, Keenness
Accuse (आरोप लगाना) – Charge, Blame
Acquit (दोषमुक्त करना) – Exonerate, Clear
Indict (आरोपित करना) – Charge, Accuse
Acute (तीव्र) – Sharp, Intense
Exculpation (दोषमुक्ति) – Acquittal, Vindication
Accustomed (आदी) – Habituated, Familiar
Severe (गंभीर) – Harsh, Strict
Blunt (तेज़ न होना) – Dull, Unsharp
Procure (प्राप्त करना) – Obtain, Acquire
Adamant (अटल) – Unyielding, Stubborn
Acquisitive (लाभ का इच्छुक) – Greedy, Covetous
Yielding (मनाने वाला) – Submissive, Flexible
Lenient (नरम) – Merciful, Tolerant
Adept (कुशल) – Skilled, Proficient
Inept (अकुशल) – Incompetent, Unskilled
Adequate (पर्याप्त) – Sufficient, Enough
Adhere (पालन करना) – Follow, Stick
Adorn (सजाना) – Decorate, Embellish
Adroit (कुशल) – Skillful, Dexterous
Allegiance (आज्ञापालन) – Loyalty, Fidelity
Adulation (चापलूसी) – Flattery, Praise
Flout (अवहेलना करना) – Disregard, Mock
Flattery (चापलूसी) – Adulation, Praise
Contempt (अपमान) – Disdain, Scorn
Adoration (पूजा) – Worship, Reverence
Ridicule (उपहास करना) – Mockery, Derision
Despise (घृणा करना) – Hate, Loathe
Admonish (डांटना) – Reprimand, Scold
Chide (डांटना) – Scold, Rebuke
Firmly (दृढ़ता) – Steadfastly, Resolutely
Counsel (सलाह देना) – Advise, Recommend
Backbiting (चुगली करना) – Gossip, Slander
Retreat (वापसी) – Withdrawal, Recede
Retarded (धीमा करना) – Delayed, Hindered
Rudimentary (अल्पविकसित) – Basic, Elementary
Linger (ठहरना) – Loiter, Remain
Boon (वरदान) – Blessing, Gift
Minus (नुकसान) – Loss, Disadvantage
Q1. What is the antonym of "Accolade"?
Q2. What is the antonym of "Accord"?
Q3. What is the synonym of "Confer"?
Q4. What is the antonym of "Inexact"?
Q5. What is the synonym of "Accomplish"?
Q6. What is the antonym of "Fiasco"?
Q7. What is the synonym of "Squandered"?
Q8. What is the synonym of "Ingenuity"?
Q9. What is the antonym of "Convict"?
Q10. What is the synonym of "Abeyant"?
Q11. What is the synonym of "Dormant"?
Q12. What is the synonym of "Acuity"?
Q13. What is the antonym of "Accuse"?
Q14. What is the synonym of "Acquit"?
Q15. What is the antonym of "Indict"?
Q16. What is the synonym of "Benevolent"?
Q13. What is the antonym of "Accuse"?
Q14. What is the synonym of "Acquit"?
Q15. What is the antonym of "Indict"?
Q16. What is the synonym of "Acute"?
Q17. What is the synonym of "Exculpation"?
Q18. What is the synonym of "Accustomed"?
Q19. What is the synonym of "Severe"?
Q20. What is the synonym of "Blunt"?
Q21. What is the synonym of "Procure"?
Q22. What is the synonym of "Adamant"?
Q23. What is the synonym of "Acquisitive"?
Q24. What is the synonym of "Yielding"?
Q25. What is the synonym of "Lenient"?
Q26. What is the synonym of "Adept"?
Q27. What is the synonym of "Inept"?
Q28. What is the synonym of "Adequate"?
Q29. What is the synonym of "Adhere"?
Q30. What is the synonym of "Adorn"?
Q31. What is the synonym of "Adroit"?
Q32. What is the synonym of "Allegiance"?
Q33. What is the synonym of "Adulation"?
Q34. What is the synonym of "Flout"?
Q35. What is the synonym of "Flattery"?
Q36. What is the synonym of "Contempt"?
Q37. What is the synonym of "Adoration"?
Q38. What is the synonym of "Ridicule"?
Q39. What is the synonym of "Despise"?
Q40. What is the synonym of "Admonish"?
Q41. What is the synonym of "Chide"?
Q42. What is the synonym of "Firmly"?
Q43. What is the synonym of "Counsel"?
Q44. What is the synonym of "Backbiting"?
Q45. What is the synonym of "Retreat"?
Q46. What is the synonym of "Retarded"?
Q47. What is the synonym of "Rudimentary"?
Q48. What is the synonym of "Linger"?
Q49. What is the synonym of "Boon"?
Q50. What is the synonym of "Minus"?