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Vocabulary List

Vocabulary List

  • Nimble
    English: Quick and light in movement or action. Hindi: चुस्त / उजवान
  • Lethargic
    English: Sluggish or lacking energy. Hindi: सुस्त
  • Agitate
    English: To disturb or excite emotionally. Hindi: उत्तेजित / परेशान करना
  • Reconcile
    English: To restore friendly relations. Hindi: मेलमिलाप करना
  • Soothe
    English: To calm or comfort. Hindi: शांत करना
  • Alight
    English: To come down or settle. Hindi: आना
  • Agony
    English: Extreme physical or mental suffering. Hindi: कष्ट, पीड़ा
  • Descend
    English: To move or fall downward. Hindi: उतरना
  • Ecstasy
    English: Overwhelming happiness or joy. Hindi: परम आनंद
  • Delight
    English: Great pleasure or joy. Hindi: खुशी
  • Consent
    English: To give permission or agreement. Hindi: सहमति
  • Embark
    English: To begin a journey or task. Hindi: चढ़ना
  • Accuse
    English: To charge someone with wrongdoing. Hindi: आरोप लगाना
  • Alleviate
    English: To make suffering less severe. Hindi: कम करना
  • Mitigate
    English: To make something less severe or intense. Hindi: कम करना
  • Relieve
    English: To ease pain or distress. Hindi: राहत देना
  • Alacrity
    English: Brisk and cheerful readiness. Hindi: तत्परता
  • Willingness
    English: Readiness to do something. Hindi: इच्छा, स्वीकृति
  • Apathy
    English: Lack of interest or concern. Hindi: उदासीनता
  • Foreigner
    English: A person from another country. Hindi: विदेशी
  • Alienate
    English: To make someone feel isolated. Hindi: दूर कर देना
  • Estrange
    English: To cause someone to be no longer close. Hindi: अलग करना
  • Tempt
    English: To attract or persuade someone to do something. Hindi: आकर्षित करना
  • Appeal
    English: A serious or urgent request. Hindi: आकर्षण
  • Lessen
    English: To reduce or make smaller. Hindi: कम करना
  • Mollify
    English: To calm or soothe someone’s feelings. Hindi: मनाना
  • Ameliorate
    English: To make something better or improve. Hindi: सुधारना
  • Allure
    English: To attract or entice someone. Hindi: आकर्षित करना
  • Ally
    English: A person or group that cooperates with another. Hindi: मित्र
  • Alteration
    English: A change or modification. Hindi: परिवर्तन
  • Alter
    English: To change or make different. Hindi: बदलना
  • Fixation
    English: An obsessive interest or focus. Hindi: स्थिरता, निर्धारण
  • Rectify
    English: To correct or make right. Hindi: सही करना
  • Altruistic / Altruist / Altruism
    English: Selfless concern for others. Hindi: परोपकारी
  • Philanthropic
    English: Seeking to promote the welfare of others. Hindi: परोपकारी
  • Amorphous
    English: Lacking a clear shape or form. Hindi: अनियमित
  • Spite
    English: A desire to hurt or annoy someone. Hindi: द्वेष, जलन
  • Astonish
    English: To surprise or amaze someone. Hindi: आश्चर्यचकित करना
  • Abundant
    English: Existing in large quantities. Hindi: अधिक, प्रचुर
  • Nebulous
    English: Unclear or vague. Hindi: धुंधला
  • Ambiguous
    English: Open to more than one interpretation. Hindi: अस्पष्ट
  • Amuse
    English: To entertain or make someone laugh. Hindi: मनोरंजन करना
  • Amusement
    English: A feeling of enjoyment or entertainment. Hindi: आनंद, मनोरंजन
  • Aspiring
    English: Directing one’s hopes toward achieving something. Hindi: आकांक्षी
  • Amusing
    English: Causing laughter or entertainment. Hindi: हास्यापद
  • Vague
    English: Unclear or uncertain. Hindi: अस्पष्ट
  • Bore
    English: To make someone feel uninterested. Hindi: उबाऊ
  • Deteriorate
    English: To become worse over time. Hindi: बिगाड़ना, खराब करना
  • Descendant
    English: A person related to an ancestor. Hindi: वंशज, पूर्वज से संबंधित
  • Aggravate
    English: To make a problem worse. Hindi: बिगाड़ना, गंभीर बनाना
  • Annihilate
    English: To destroy completely. Hindi: नष्ट कर देना
  • Amend
    English: To make changes or improvements. Hindi: संशोधन करना
  • Gratify
    English: To give pleasure or satisfaction. Hindi: संतुष्ट करना, खुश करना

5th Part : MOCK TEST

Responsive MCQ Quiz

Q1. What is the antonym of "Nimble"?

Q2. What is the synonym of "Lethargic"?

Q3. What is the antonym of "Agitate"?

Q4. What is the synonym of "Reconcile"?

Q5. What is the antonym of "Soothe"?

Q6. What is the synonym of "Alight"?

Q7. What is the antonym of "Agony"?

Q8. What is the antonym of "Descend"?

Q9. What is the synonym of "Ecstasy"?

Q10. What is the antonym of "Delight"?

Q11. What is the synonym of "Consent"?

Q12. What is the antonym of "Embark"?

Q13. What is the synonym of "Accuse"?

Q14. What is the antonym of "Alleviate"?

Q15. What is the synonym of "Mitigate"?

Q16. What is the antonym of "Relieve"?

Q17. What is the synonym of "Alacrity"?

Q18. What is the antonym of "Willingness"?

Q19. What is the synonym of "Apathy"?

Q20. What is the antonym of "Foreigner"?

Q21. What is the synonym of "Alienate"?

Q22. What is the antonym of "Estrange"?

Q23. What is the synonym of "Tempt"?

Q24. What is the antonym of "Appeal"?

Q25. What is the synonym of "Lessen"?

Q26. What is the antonym of "Mollify"?

Q27. What is the synonym of "Ameliorate"?

Q28. What is the antonym of "Allure"?

Q29. What is the synonym of "Ally"?

Q30. What is the antonym of "Alteration"?

Q31. What is the synonym of "Alter"?

Q32. What is the antonym of "Fixation"?

Q33. What is the synonym of "Rectify"?

Q34. What is the antonym of "Altruistic"?

Q35. What is the synonym of "Philanthropic"?

Q36. What is the antonym of "Amorphous"?

Q37. What is the synonym of "Spite"?

Q38. What is the antonym of "Astonish"?

Q39. What is the synonym of "Abundant"?

Q40. What is the antonym of "Nebulous"?

Q41. What is the synonym of "Ambiguous"?

Q42. What is the antonym of "Amuse"?

Q43. What is the synonym of "Amusement"?

Q44. What is the antonym of "Aspiring"?

Q45. What is the synonym of "Amusing"?

Q46. What is the antonym of "Vague"?

Q47. What is the synonym of "Bore"?

Q48. What is the antonym of "Deteriorate"?

Q49. What is the synonym of "Descendant"?

Q50. What is the antonym of "Aggravate"?

Q51. What is the synonym of "Annihilate"?

Q52. What is the antonym of "Amend"?

Q53. What is the synonym of "Gratify"?