Pro Sarkari Result



Study Section

1. Legal & Judgment Terms

  • Acquitted – प्रक्रिया पूरी होने पर विधिवत रूप से निर्दोष घोषित किया जाना
  • Pardon – किसी को क्षमा करना
  • Sentenced – किसी को सजा सुनाना

2. Assessment & Estimation

  • Assess – मूल्यांकन करना
  • Estimate – बिना सटीक माप के किसी वस्तु के आकार या मात्रा का अनुमान लगाना

3. Destruction & Validation

  • Exterminate – पूरी तरह नष्ट कर देना
  • Testify – प्रमाणित करना या गवाही देना (Synonyms: Swear, Attest, Reference)
  • Avow – स्वीकार करना, घोषित करना (Synonyms: Declare, Proclaim, Admit, Swear, Assent)
  • Invalidate – अमान्य करना

4. People & Importance

  • Dignitaries – उच्च पद के कारण महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति
  • Nonentity – महत्वहीन व्यक्ति या चीज

5. Personality & Behavior

  • Cranky – चिड़चिड़ा
  • Tranquil – शांत

6. Mundane & Ordinary

  • Humdrum – उबाऊ, नीरस
  • Banal – साधारण, बिना नयापन का

7. Happiness & Intelligence

  • Felicity – खुशी
  • Vacuous – बुद्धिहीन, उद्देश्यहीन (Synonyms: Empty, Inane, Shallow)

8. Laughter & Reactions

  • Chortle – खुशी में हंसना (Synonyms: Laugh, Cackle, Snicker, Snigger, Giggle, Titter)


MCQ Quiz

1. What is the antonym of "Acquitted"?

(A) Convicted
(B) Released
(C) Pardoned
(D) Forgiven

2. What is the synonym of "Pardon"?

(A) Punish
(B) Forgive
(C) Blame
(D) Accuse

3. What is the antonym of "Sentenced"?

(A) Punished
(B) Rewarded
(C) Jailed
(D) Declared

4. What is the synonym of "Assess"?

(A) Evaluate
(B) Ignore
(C) Destroy
(D) Forget

5. What is the antonym of "Estimate"?

(A) Approximate
(B) Calculate
(C) Assume
(D) Guess

6. What is the synonym of "Exterminate"?

(A) Destroy
(B) Save
(C) Protect
(D) Preserve

7. What is the antonym of "Testify"?

(A) Swear
(B) Deny
(C) Approve
(D) Confirm

8. What is the synonym of "Avow"?

(A) Declare
(B) Deny
(C) Refuse
(D) Ignore

9. What is the antonym of "Invalidate"?

(A) Approve
(B) Reject
(C) Nullify
(D) Deny

10. What is the synonym of "Dignitaries"?

(A) Notable
(B) Commoner
(C) Ordinary
(D) Unknown

11. What is the antonym of "Nonentity"?

(A) Celebrity
(B) Nobody
(C) Insignificant
(D) Unimportant

12. What is the synonym of "Cranky"?

(A) Irritable
(B) Calm
(C) Happy
(D) Cheerful

13. What is the antonym of "Tranquil"?

(A) Peaceful
(B) Restful
(C) Agitated
(D) Calm

14. What is the synonym of "Humdrum"?

(A) Exciting
(B) Dull
(C) Amazing
(D) Fantastic

15. What is the antonym of "Banal"?

(A) Ordinary
(B) Unique
(C) Boring
(D) Common

16. What is the synonym of "Felicity"?

(A) Happiness
(B) Sadness
(C) Sorrow
(D) Gloom

17. What is the antonym of "Vacuous"?

(A) Intelligent
(B) Empty
(C) Shallow
(D) Meaningless

18. What is the synonym of "Chortle"?

(A) Laugh
(B) Cry
(C) Frown
(D) Worry