Synonym: Cruel, ruthless
Antonym: Compassionate, merciful
Breaker: A merciless person shows no pity or kindness.
Synonym: Lively, energetic
Antonym: Dull, lifeless
Breaker: A vibrant personality is full of energy and enthusiasm.
Synonym: Sluggish, inactive
Antonym: Energetic, active
Breaker: A lethargic person lacks energy and motivation.
Synonym: Mysterious, puzzling
Antonym: Clear, obvious
Breaker: An enigmatic situation is difficult to understand or interpret.
Synonym: Huge, enormous
Antonym: Tiny, small
Breaker: An immense object is extremely large in size or scale.
Synonym: Small, delicate
Antonym: Large, bulky
Breaker: A petite person is small and delicately built.
Synonym: Angry, enraged
Antonym: Calm, pleased
Breaker: A furious person is extremely angry or upset.
Synonym: Happy, satisfied
Antonym: Displeased, unhappy
Breaker: A pleased person feels happy and content.
Synonym: Bitter, harsh
Antonym: Kind, sweet
Breaker: An acrimonious argument is filled with bitterness and anger.
Synonym: Disturb, agitate
Antonym: Calm, soothe
Breaker: To perturb someone is to make them anxious or unsettled.
Synonym: Indifference, unconcern
Antonym: Concern, interest
Breaker: Apathy refers to a lack of interest or emotion.
Synonym: Obstinacy, inflexibility
Antonym: Flexibility, compliance
Breaker: Stubbornness is the refusal to change one’s opinion or behavior.
Synonym: Glutted, stuffed
Antonym: Hungry, underfed
Breaker: An overfed person has eaten too much food.
Synonym: Burden, hindrance
Antonym: Aid, assistance
Breaker: An encumbrance is something that obstructs or slows progress.
Synonym: Barrier, hurdle
Antonym: Help, advantage
Breaker: An obstacle is something that blocks the way or creates difficulty.
Synonym: Resource, advantage
Antonym: Liability, disadvantage
Breaker: An asset is a useful or valuable thing or person.
Synonym: Effort, attempt
Antonym: Idleness, inaction
Breaker: Endeavour refers to a sincere and determined effort.
Synonym: Aim, desire
Antonym: Despair, abandon
Breaker: To aspire is to have a strong desire to achieve something.
Synonym: Tolerance, endurance
Antonym: Impatience, restlessness
Breaker: Patience is the ability to wait calmly without frustration.
Synonym: Hostility, animosity
Antonym: Friendship, harmony
Breaker: Enmity refers to a state of deep-seated hatred or hostility.
Synonym: Imitate, copy
Antonym: Neglect, ignore
Breaker: To emulate is to match or surpass someone by imitation.
Synonym: Mimic, copy
Antonym: Originate, create
Breaker: To imitate is to copy someone’s actions or behavior.
Synonym: Relinquish, abandon
Antonym: Retain, keep
Breaker: To forego is to give up or do without something.
Synonym: Faced, met
Antonym: Avoided, missed
Breaker: To encounter is to unexpectedly experience or face something.
Synonym: Impulse, desire
Antonym: Discourage, deter
Breaker: An urge is a strong desire or impulse to do something.
Synonym: Prevent, hinder
Antonym: Encourage, promote
Breaker: To deter is to discourage someone from doing something.
Synonym: Struggle, endeavor
Antonym: Surrender, yield
Breaker: To strive is to make great efforts to achieve something.
Synonym: Risk, gamble
Antonym: Avoid, retreat
Breaker: A venture is a risky or daring journey or undertaking.
Synonym: Enhance, improve
Antonym: Deplete, impoverish
Breaker: To enrich is to improve the quality or value of something.
Synonym: Deduce, conclude
Antonym: Misunderstand, confuse
Breaker: To infer is to conclude something based on evidence or reasoning.
Synonym: Weaken, exhaust
Antonym: Strengthen, invigorate
Breaker: To enervate is to drain someone of energy or vitality.
Synonym: Drain, weaken
Antonym: Energize, strengthen
Breaker: To devitalize is to deprive someone of strength or energy.
Synonym: Monotony, tedium
Antonym: Excitement, interest
Breaker: Boredom is the state of feeling uninterested or weary.
Synonym: Animosity, antagonism
Antonym: Friendliness, harmony
Breaker: Hostility refers to unfriendly or aggressive behavior.
Synonym: Enrage, provoke
Antonym: Pacify, calm
Breaker: To infuriate is to make someone extremely angry.
Synonym: Bankrupt, ruin
Antonym: Enrich, prosper
Breaker: To impoverish is to make someone poor or weak.
Synonym: Hide, cover
Antonym: Reveal, expose
Breaker: To conceal is to prevent something from being seen or known.
Synonym: Involve, entangle
Antonym: Exonerate, absolve
Breaker: To implicate is to show someone is involved in a crime or wrongdoing.
Synonym: Deceive, charm
Antonym: Disenchant, repel
Breaker: To beguile is to trick or deceive someone in a charming way.
Synonym: Ensnare, trap
Antonym: Liberate, free
Breaker: To entrap is to catch someone in a trap or trick them.
Synonym: Nominal, honorary
Antonym: Actual, real
Breaker: A titular position has a title but no real authority.
Synonym: Misleading, deceptive
Antonym: Genuine, valid
Breaker: Specious arguments seem true but are actually false.
Synonym: Apparent, seeming
Antonym: Hidden, concealed
Breaker: Ostensive reasons are stated but may not be the real ones.
Synonym: Urgent, critical
Antonym: Non-urgent, trivial
Breaker: Exigent situations require immediate action or attention.
Synonym: Beggar, petitioner
Antonym: Demander, commander
Breaker: A suppliant is someone who humbly asks for help or favor.
Synonym: Crucial, essential
Antonym: Optional, unnecessary
Breaker: An imperative action is absolutely necessary or urgent.
Synonym: Merciful, lenient
Antonym: Harsh, severe
Breaker: A clement person is kind and merciful in judgment.
Synonym: Tolerant, forgiving
Antonym: Strict, rigid
Breaker: A lenient person is not strict or severe in punishment.
Synonym: Concise, brief
Antonym: Verbose, lengthy
Breaker: A terse statement is short and to the point.
Synonym: Brief, succinct
Antonym: Wordy, verbose
Breaker: A laconic person uses very few words to express themselves.
Q1. What is the synonym of "Merciless"?
Q2. What is the antonym of "Vibrant"?
Q3. What is the synonym of "Lethargic"?
Q4. What is the antonym of "Enigmatic"?
Q5. What is the synonym of "Immense"?
Q6. What is the antonym of "Petite"?
Q7. What is the synonym of "Furious"?
Q8. What is the antonym of "Pleased"?
Q9. What is the synonym of "Acrimonious"?
Q10. What is the antonym of "Perturb"?
Q11. What is the synonym of "Apathy"?
Q12. What is the antonym of "Stubbornness"?
Q13. What is the synonym of "Overfed"?
Q14. What is the antonym of "Encumbrance"?
Q15. What is the synonym of "Obstacle"?
Q16. What is the antonym of "Asset"?
Q17. What is the synonym of "Endeavour"?
Q18. What is the antonym of "Aspire"?
Q19. What is the synonym of "Patience"?
Q20. What is the antonym of "Enmity"?
Q21. What is the synonym of "Emulate"?
Q22. What is the antonym of "Imitate"?
Q23. What is the synonym of "Forego"?
Q24. What is the antonym of "Encountered"?
Q25. What is the synonym of "Urge"?
Q26. What is the antonym of "Deter"?
Q27. What is the synonym of "Strive"?
Q28. What is the antonym of "Venture"?
Q29. What is the synonym of "Enrich"?
Q30. What is the antonym of "Infer"?
Q31. What is the synonym of "Enervate"?
Q32. What is the antonym of "Devitalize"?
Q33. What is the synonym of "Boredom"?
Q34. What is the antonym of "Hostility"?
Q35. What is the synonym of "Infuriate"?
Q36. What is the antonym of "Entice"?
Q37. What is the synonym of "Impoverish"?
Q38. What is the antonym of "Conceal"?
Q39. What is the synonym of "Implicate"?
Q40. What is the antonym of "Beguile"?
Q41. What is the synonym of "Entrap"?
Q42. What is the antonym of "Titular"?
Q43. What is the synonym of "Specious"?
Q44. What is the antonym of "Ostensive"?
Q45. What is the synonym of "Exigent"?
Q46. What is the antonym of "Suppliant"?
Q47. What is the synonym of "Imperative"?
Q48. What is the antonym of "Clement"?
Q49. What is the synonym of "Terse"?
Q50. What is the antonym of "Laconic"?